

The Rector of the Universitat Politècnica de València Francisco Mora and the President of Caixa Ontinyent Antonio Carbonell, signed in the Campus d’Alcoi the collaboration agreement by which the Caixa Ontinyent-UPV Classroom is formalized, a project initiated by the former Director of the Campus d’Alcoi Georgina Blanes. The Classroom aims to create a digital design and manufacturing laboratory, open to the educational community, diverse groups, companies and local society in general, and which enables the realization of any idea, work of art, product or model, in the artistic, engineering, architecture and everyday life fields.

The Business Chairs and Classrooms are a way to establish a broad and qualified collaboration of companies, foundations and other entities with business ties with the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia to develop teaching, technology and knowledge transfer and research objectives. The Cemex Sustainability Classroom is based in the ETS de Ingenieros Industriales and the Instituto Universitario Mixto de Tecnología Química (ITQ). The director of the Classroom is Mr. Eduardo Palomares Gimeno, professor at the UPV.


This year, next February 19 in the ETSA Magna Classroom at 6:30 pm, we will enjoy the ‘Dreams and Realities’ conference by Sir Peter Cook, of which we highlight that he was a founding member of the Archigram collective in the 60s and 70s , activity for which they received the Gold Medal of the RIBA (Royal Institute of British Architects) in 2004. In addition, Peter Cook has been a professor at the Architectural Association and at the Bartlett School of Architecture in London (in the latter, he was also director for several years, between 1990 and 2006). Director of the Institute of Contemporary Arts, London (1970-1972).


The purpose of the Classroom for Children and Adolescents is the promotion and development, from an interdisciplinary approach, of training and dissemination activities and transfer of knowledge about childhood and adolescence, which facilitate: to professionals and university students, the skills and competencies for their current or future professional performance, respectively; to researchers, the development of lines of research and projects, and, where appropriate, the development of doctoral theses; to Public Administrations, the continuous training of its personnel and advice on public policies; to society, the disclosure of the rights (and their violation) of such a vulnerable group …


The Multiscan Classroom aims to disseminate and promote the latest technologies in artificial vision, automation and robotics in the socio-economic environment in which it operates. Therefore, dissemination activities, participation in competitions, projects, conferences, courses, etc. are supported. The ultimate goal is to reach all sectors of society, from primary and secondary school students in training, to supporting the activities carried out by the students of the Campus d’Alcoi and also trying to reach graduated students and students. rest of society


The purpose of the Roche-UPV Classroom is the promotion and development of training activities and dissemination of knowledge that are directly related to the computational analysis of clinical data of patients (Real World Data) and their massive data (Big Data). Classroom activities are aimed at strengthening and developing the role of the most recent and innovative computational techniques in the field of their application to biosanitary sciences, with special emphasis on their uses for real medical, clinical and biometric data.