Business Chairs


The Acal Sustainable City Chair was born as a result of the agreement between the company ACAL Abogados y Consultores de Administración Pública Administration and the Universitat Politècnica de València.

The objective of the Acal Sustainable City Chair is to make available to the municipalities the knowledge and solutions available to the UPV, in order to verify from a technical, organizational and economic perspective, the management of municipal services.

The rector of the Universitat Politècnica de València, Francisco Mora, and the general director of Aguas de Valencia, Dionisio García Comín, today signed the collaboration agreement for the formalization of the Business Chair Aguas de Valencia, which will have an initial duration of three years. The Chair is attached to the Departamento de Ingeniería Hidráulica y Medio Ambiente and is responsible for Abel Solera, professor of the Department.

The initiative aims to encourage the development of the technologies involved in the management of the integral water cycle. For this, the agreement provides, among other activities, the possibility of calling prizes for the end of studies projects, predoctoral and postdoctoral scholarships and ideas contests.

The Business Chairs are a way to establish a broad and qualified collaboration of companies, foundations and other entities with business ties with the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia to develop teaching, technology and knowledge transfer and research objectives.

The AIMPLAS Chair promoted by the Instituto de Tecnología de Materiales (ITM) is based in the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales (ETSII) and its director is Mª Dolores Salvador Moya, professor of the UPV and researcher attached to the ITM.

The Textile Industry Research Association – AITEX is a private association for research, characterization tests and certification of textile articles and materials with application to very diverse sectors such as habitat, fashion and clothing, health and medicine, hygiene and cosmetics, work clothes , personal protection equipment, sports and leisure, public transport, automotive, nautical, aeronautical, civil works and construction, sports surfaces, etc …

The fundamental objective is to generate technological knowledge and transfer it to textile companies, so that they are more competitive, create more value, and have access to new business opportunities.

The purpose of this Chair is the establishment of an action framework for collaboration between the EPSA and the Alcoy City Council, through which the two institutions intend to carry out various joint activities.

These activities are specified in different events aimed at the promotion and dissemination of science in different educational stages, specifically they are aimed at students in Primary (Magic of Science), Secondary (Young Science Week), Bachelor and training cycles (competitions) and university students (student projects and academic exchange) and society in general (Science Week, Summer University and Expociencia).


The Bayer CropScienciece Chair is the result of the framework collaboration agreement between the Polytechnic University of Valencia and the company Bayer CropScience Iberia.

The purpose of the Chair is the promotion and development of Scientific-Technological Knowledge that contribute to the development of Innovation, Digital Transformation and Sustainability in Agriculture and Food.

The Chair of Bioinsecticides UPV – Idai Nature, in the ETSIAMN, Higher Technical School of Agronomic and Natural Environment Engineering, of the Polytechnic University of Valencia will carry out activities to promote sustainable agriculture without chemical waste.

Specifically, this Chair will promote training activities such as collaboration with masters and other teaching activities, collaboration and design and delivery of continuing education programs, predoctoral and postdoctoral fellowships, awards for end-of-career projects, work and ideas contests, conferences, seminars and workshops, promotion of practices in companies and institutions, collaboration in training plans and visits to the company.

The White Chair is the result of an agreement between the Polytechnic University of Valencia and the CEMEX company whose main objectives are to deepen the study and dissemination of the use of white concrete in architectural projects, provide theoretical and practical training to university students , as well as establishing a forum for the exchange of opinions and knowledge.

In this way, future architecture professionals approach the business world in general, and the concrete sector in particular.

The Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), the Department of Universal Health and Public Health, and the General Director Farma de Ferrer, have signed the new Cardiovascular Chair EVES-Ferrer, whose objective is to support research, innovation and technological development in the fields of biotechnology and biomedical engineering, and will be directed by cardiologist Rafael Rodríguez de Sanabria, and professor at the UPV.

This agreement aims to join forces in the fight against cardiovascular diseases, the main cause of death in our country.

The Network of Chairs was born and is consolidating itself as a faithful reflection of the rapprochement between the training bodies of future prescribers in the construction sector and the ceramic production industry.

In summary, it seeks to provide future professionals with greater knowledge regarding the product both technically and aesthetically to respond to the creative concerns of current and upcoming architecture. At the same time, this knowledge allows future architects to orient their proposals towards ceramics, innovating in existing formats or developing new applications.

Welcome to the CONSUM-UPV Chair created on May 28, 2007. Its purpose is the promotion and development of research activities, which allow the study and improvement of the marketing and market research process of a retail distribution company. Thus, it is intended to strengthen the relationship between UPV and CONSUM S. COOP. V., one of the main commercial distribution companies in Spain.

With this collaboration, it is pursued to develop research, training and dissemination activities that complement and contribute to a better training of UPV students.

The chair aims to provide students with the basic knowledge necessary to successfully create and run a company from all areas. Through its training activities, it aims to bring students closer to the business world and entrepreneurship from a pragmatic and current perspective . This is possible thanks to the multi-focal sessions taught in the “initiation course to the world of business”.

The Business Chairs are a way to establish a broad and qualified collaboration of companies, foundations and other entities with business ties with the Polytechnic University of Valencia to develop teaching, technology and knowledge transfer and research objectives. The Chair of Sports is based in the Vice-Rectorate of Sports, and its director is Cesar Iribarren Navarro.

The Civic Technology and Empowerment Chair sets the following objectives: – Promote the critical implementation of digital tools for the opening of local governments through transparency, collaborative participation and accountability. – Promote the development of open technological solutions for mobilization, organization and collective action that favor processes of empowerment of citizens.

The Chair of Urban Energy Transition of the UPV investigates, trains and disseminates so that cities move towards a more self-sufficient, greener and fairer energy model. To this end, it supports the actors that lead the urban energy transition in Valencia from four axes: Energy efficiency and savings, Generation with renewable energies, Energy poverty and the right to energy and New energy culture

The Chair is made up of professors and researchers from the Institute of Energy Engineering and the School of Industrial Engineers of the Polytechnic University of Valencia, and is a joint initiative with the Las Naves Foundation of the Valencia City Council, which also provides funding.


At the end of July 2018, the agreement between the Universitat Politècnica de València and the Conselleria d’Economia Sostenible, Sectors productius, Comerç i Treball will be signed to create the Càtedra d’Economia Valenciana of the Universitat Politècnica de València.

The main objective of this chair is to reconnect the connection of the Valencian Economy and the potentials in the sustainable economy framework.

On July 24, 2018 the Universitat Politècnica de València and the pharmaceutical group ESTEVE signed an agreement for the creation of the Chair of Health Economics and Health Management, whose headquarters will reside at the Center for Research in Economic Engineering (INECO) of the UPV. The Chair of Health Economics and Health Management, which will begin with the 2018-2019 academic year, and has been ratified in Valencia in the presence of the rector of the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Francisco José Mora Mas, and the director of Market Access and Public Affairs of ESTEVE, Raquel García Gordon, highlights the importance of establishing collaborative relationships between universities and companies that guarantee new paths of knowledge and promote the work of researchers.


The QUAES-UPV Foundation Chair aims to support the areas of bioengineering, biotechnology, biomedicine and bioinformatics. This alliance that was born in October 2016 aims to train and enhance research in imaging, genetics and genomics with the aim of moving towards precision diagnoses, as well as in the fields of bioinformatics for analysis and diagnosis and of agrogenomic . The development of these activities will be carried out by multidisciplinary teams of the Higher Technical School of Industrial Engineers, the Higher Technical School of Agronomic and Natural Environment Engineering and the QUAES Foundation. Likewise, and depending on the specific projects to be carried out within the framework of the Chair, other Centers, Departments and Institutes may collaborate.


The purpose of the GANDIA INTELLIGENT TOURISM Chair is the promotion and development of tourism, science and innovation for the city of Gandía to the students of the University, in this way the pre-university students will be introduced to the real needs and problems about These three sectors. And how can it be solved collaboratively. All this within the framework of the object and specific purposes of the University. The development of these activities will be carried out through the Higher Polytechnic School of Gandía


The rector of the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), Francisco Mora, and the Councilor for Transparency, Open Government and Citizen Audit, Roberto Jaramillo, signed the collaboration agreement for the creation of the GO Chair (Govern Obert) on September 21 2016. The initiative, which is valid for a school year (until June 2017), is attached to the Higher Technical School of Computer Science, ETSInf, and its director is Diego Álvarez, professor of the Department of Audiovisual Communication, Documentation and Art History.

Our mission is to boost the entrepreneurial and innovative character of the people who make up our triple E: the students, entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs of our La Safor region and the professional network.

Our vision is to become a reference framework for innovation and the development of skills, personal and professional, necessary for all those people, organizations and entities that want to differentiate themselves through innovation and an entrepreneurial attitude.


The Habitatge Chair emerges from a collaboration framework of the Department of Housing, Public Works and Land Vertebration with the Polytechnic University of Valencia UPV, with the aim of expanding the activities of the area of innovation in housing.

ISTOBAL is the leading company in Spain in the design, manufacture and marketing of car wash and care solutions. Through the ISTOBAL Chair of the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), it contributes to the training of future professionals, promotes research in the engineering sector and promotes R&D projects. The ISTOBAL Chair is committed to the talent and innovation that is generated in the university, and for this it offers various collaborative scholarships, design competitions, training courses and seminars for technical dissemination for the university community.

The IVIO Chair, created on April 18, 2016 with headquarters in the Higher Polytechnic School of Gandia, is the result of the collaboration framework agreement between the Polytechnic University of Valencia and the Valencian Institute of Dental Research, for the realization of Training Activities , Research, Disclosure, Knowledge Transfer and other Scientific Activities. The purpose of the Chair will be the promotion and development of Scientific-Technological Knowledge in the field of Dentistry.

The Business Chairs are a way to establish a broad and qualified collaboration of companies, foundations and other entities with business ties with the Polytechnic University of Valencia to develop teaching, technology and knowledge transfer and research objectives.
The Juan Arizo Serrulla Chair is based in the ETS of Civil Engineers, Canals and Ports.

The Kiwa-UPV Quality for Progress Chair aims to carry out training, dissemination and knowledge transfer activities to improve quality and its certification in the agri-food sector.


The rector of the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Francisco Mora, and the president of Nagares, Herminio Navalón, signed on September 8 the collaboration agreement by which the Nagares Mecatrónica company chair is formalized. The chair is attached to the Higher Technical School of Design Engineering (ETSID), and its head is Eduardo García Breijo, professor of the Department of Electronic Engineering and member of the Center for Molecular Recognition and Technological Development (IDM).

The chair aims to promote mechatronics, the discipline that links mechanical engineering with electronics, in its broadest sense.

The rector of the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) Francisco Mora and the president of the Pamesa Group Fernando Roig presented at the Cevisama fair the first results of the collaboration agreement signed between both institutions. This is the Pamesa Virtual Xperience, a new virtual tool developed by the Laboratory of Immersive Neurotechnologies (LabLENI) of the UPV, which visitors to the stand of the Valencian firm have already been able to test.

The purpose of the SMART CITY Chair will be the collaboration and development of the smart city project. The main collaborative initiative will be in the development of service platforms that, based on the main technologies currently available, manage to define a database system integrated into all the city’s key processes. This main objective will be subdivided into specific objectives for the realization of projects that will benefit the city and citizens. All this within the framework of the object and specific purposes of the University.


The STADLER Chair constitutes a tangible and structured contribution that approaches the company and the University from a multidisciplinary approach, which allows both entities to be approximated in the earliest stages of the training process of future professionals.

The Stadler Chair consolidates the university-business relationship, fostering extensive communication within the framework of training, dissemination and dissemination of knowledge activities. The initiatives of the Chair contribute to increasing the offer of activities that different Centers and entities of the Polytechnic University of Valencia offer to students and professors.

The general objective of the Chair is to promote, coordinate, develop and disseminate applied research activities, carried out mainly by the teaching and research staff of the University that focus on solving real needs of society in the focal topics of the Chair. As well as, the promotion of entrepreneurship in UPV students through support for the creation of technology-based companies with a social focus.

The Cátedra Tierra Ciudadana was born at the initiative of a group of professors, institutions and professionals from different fields linked to the Polytechnic University of Valencia. It is the result of a process of accumulation of training and public awareness experiences on issues related to agriculture, food and rural development both at European and international level.

The manager of the multinational Torrecid, José Miguel Monzó, and the rector of the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), Francisco Mora, have signed the collaboration agreement for which the Torrecid-UPV company chair is formalized. Attached to the Higher Technical School of Industrial Engineers (ETSII-UPV), and with an initial duration of one year, its head is Isabel Iborra, deputy director of the Department of Chemical and Nuclear Engineering of the UPV.

At the signing of the agreement, José Enrique Clar, head of Selection of Torrecid, also attended; José Millet, CEO of Entrepreneurship and Employment of the UPV; Jorge García-Serra García, director of the ETSII-UPV; Inmaculada Garrudo, Deputy Director of Relations with Companies of the ETSII-UPV; and Carmina Gil, head of the Integrated Employment Service (SIE-UPV).


The Chair is coordinated with the Department of Transparència, Social Responsibility, Participation and Cooperation by the Higher Technical School of Computer Science (ETSINF) and directed by Antonia Ferrer, current director of the Master in Information Management, MUGI.


The purpose of the FACSA-FOVASA Chair in Water, Waste and Circular Economy is to promote and develop training, dissemination, innovation, social responsibility and entrepreneurship activities in the field of circular economy, associated with water and waste management.

Although the development of these activities is carried out through the Higher Technical School of Industrial Engineers, it is an open chair that works with other Centers, Departments and Institutes depending on the projects and activities it develops. .


The objective of the Vicente Serradell CSN Chair is to promote the study, analysis and research in the areas of nuclear safety and radiation protection. This new chair of a company of the Polytechnic University of Valencia has been established after the signing of a collaboration agreement between the UPV and the Nuclear Safety Council.